Logical Excuse
is the story of a beefy young wrestler who lived in a little village.
His country went into a war with its neighbour.
I go and fight the enemy, two things can happen….”
are they… ”, everybody asked.
they will kill me or I may stay alive.”
I come back alive, there is no problem, but if I die… two things could
what are those… ” everybody asked.
they will bury me or they will cremate me.”
they bury me then it is no problem, but if they cremate me… two things
could happen…”
what are they… ” everybody asked.
my ashes will be immersed down with the river to the sea or it will
strewn in the farm fields”
it merges with the sea, then it is not a problem, but if it reaches the
fields… two things could happen…”
two things…!!! ” everybody said wearily.
they will grow cauliflowers in those fields or they could grow
they grow cauliflowers, then it is not a problem, but if they grow
mustard… two things could happen..”
lord…” everybody sighed.
they will cook vegetables from the mustard leaves or extract oil from
its seeds”
they eat the vegetables, then there is no problem, but if they make the
oil… again two things could happen…”
they will use it as a cooking oil or they will use it to make soap.”
they eat the oil then there is no problem, but they make a soap out of
it… two things can happen…”
all around.
a man will take a bath with the soap or it could be a lady”
it is a man then there is no problem, but if it is lady…....... Can
you imagine how embarrassed I will be!!