Beyond Worry John Smith was a pathological worrier. From his unpaid bills to Bill's gossip mills, each thing would give him anxiety and tension. Needless to say, his health was in shambles and he was a on the verge of becoming a nervous wreck. His family and friends grew anxious but were at a loss to cure him. Some months later, one his friends found John relaxing on a beach with a beer and wearing a damn the world attitude. "What's up John, you look very good...., no problems...?" "Oh Harry, its been great, since I have hired this professional worrier. I pay him and he does all my worrying part. I am free now, I am very happy." "That is great, but how much are you paying him." "Three thousand dollars a month" "Wow..that is a big sum, and just how are going to arrange that money every month.." "Well Harry, that is his problem, you see..." |